Friday, April 24, 2020

Practice Extract

      This excerpt can have an underlying theme that relates to each person individually who decides to view it. Personally, I thought that the director was trying to convey the idea that in every situation, perspective is the key to understanding both sides. The Iron Bank believes that the King of the Andals lacks the resources needed to lead the Iron Throne. While Stannis believes he is a reliable leader due to his ability to show his loyalty through actions instead of words. Both sides are reasonable and in order to make the right decision you must take both sides under consideration. 
      In the first scene that is presented, the camera is positioned in a high angle from the ship to a larger statue. This shows the important scenery and the size difference between the two objects which emphasizes dominance. A crane shot is also included in this scene to show a higher view above the ship. This birds eye view shot gives the audience a sense of the overall situation of the time and place of the scene. Regarding editing techniques, a jump cut is added after this opening scene allowing it to flow with the following scene. Special effects were added to the statue to make it seem more dramatic and intriguing for the viewers. When the opening scene begins, a score was added to enhance the scene and to enforce the mood of the excerpt early on. Once the music stops, a sound motif was included of a bird to make the audience feel like they are in the setting. The location of the overseas scene is the first detail of the plot that the viewers can see. 
      During the last scene, a close up of Stannis is shown with a serious expression as he approaches the opposing kingdom. This allows the reader to really see what emotions the character is feeling at that moment. An over the shoulder shot of the Andal man talking to Stannis is presented allowing the audience to feel like they are part of the conversation. A wide shot of all the men in the Iron Bank is included, to grant the viewers with the ability to see from both sides of the situation. For editing, there is a reaction shot of the Iron Kingdom after the Andals defend their standpoint. An insert of Stannis is shown when the doors open after the anticipation of waiting for the Iron Kingdom to make their appearance. Both scenes dissolve into each other and this connects them aside from making the film flow together. The dialogue between the kingdoms in the last scene has strong importance to the overall theme of the excerpt since this is where the perspective of both sides come in. I spotted non-diegetic sound in this scene when the viewers can hear the footsteps of the men approaching. Ambient sound is included as well to show the tension between the men during that situation. The dim lighting during the conversation adds onto the mood that is portrayed along with the lesson behind it. The first prop that I found unique was the Andals man’s glove. This prop gives an insight on his past and adds to the conflict. Another prop that stood out to me was the high chairs that the three Iron men were sitting in. This shows their position in the scene and how much power they hold. 
      The director conveys the meaning behind perspective is key to understanding both sides of a story. They do so with the use of many filming techniques ranging from dialogue to the lighting of the scene. The film purposefully shows the situation from both sides and allows the audience to create their own perspective. If both parties are closed minded and don’t take the time to listen to the opposing side, there is no solution to their conflict. Therefore, the conflict within yourself must be dealt with before you can resolve any external problems. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020


In this blog, I included my creative critical reflection. This is a reflection answering four major questions that have been proposed to me. I think this step is important since it allows me to reflect on my opening sequence further. I open up about my personal experience and what I have gained from this assignment. I indulged in topics such as the technology behind the production scene and the lessons that I have learned throughout this experience. From working alone to learning how to use programs such as IMovie, the knowledge I have gained has been immense. These questions allowed me to expand on my ideas beyond my opening sequence. I also discussed the implications of my product regarding the real world-social issues included. Relating my film to these bigger ideas only increased my interest in filmmaking. I am grateful for this opportunity and would not trade what I have learned for the world.

Opening Sequence

This presentation includes my original opening sequence. This reflects my work starting from the research process to the editing process. I am proud to finally publish my work since I have been working on this project for quite some time. I was unable to fix the quality of the video due to the circumstances with covid-19. However, I believe that this does not take away from my project and the work that I have created. To insert this assignment, I published my product onto youtube. This may also lead to some people discovering my opening sequence. I am more than grateful to have participated in this course and project. I look forward to improving in the future from the lessons that I have learned. The next step in this process is reflecting creatively and critically in my CCR which I will upload shortly.