Thursday, February 27, 2020

Filming Blog:Final scenes

At this point, I have completed the closing scenes to the opening sequence. I have now finished filming the movie clips and can start editing to modify each scene. I had fun filming each part of this opening and look forward to seeing how the final product will come out. For these scenes, there is hardly any lighting due to the power going down. This made some scenes too dark making it hard for the audience to see. This was challenging since the flashlight did not give off as much light as predicted. This may not necessarily be a bad thing since my film genre is horror and dark lighting is a convention feature. Just like the other beginning scenes, I made sure to record at least twice per scene to have options to choose from while editing. In some clips the sound would be off and we would have to go again with a louder tone. There is only one shot left in particular that still needs to be filmed and that is the final scene. 
This is the most important scene because it leaves the audience at the edge of their seat and sets the plot for the rest of the movie. I plan to begin filming the last shot as soon as possible and then will begin my journey with editing. I also look forward to the feedback that I receive to benefit my film as a whole. The scenes that I filmed last all were shot at night to ensure the correct lighting was presented. The contrast between the light in the opening scenes and the darkness in the rest of them really represents the storyline of my film. Filming for the past 3 days has been smooth aside from technical difficulties with the sound or lighting. The footage paired with my editing will look way better than the clips by themselves. I plan to add two ominous scores along with other editing techniques. I will first include the specific titles that I planned to use since this is a very important feature to present. Time is flying by since I began to film the start of my opening sequence and soon I will have a finished project.  

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